Hey all! I recently came across what I believe to be an awesome website for discovering new music. It is called Gnoosic, and it will suggests new artists based on ones you already like.
On coming to the homepage for Gnoosic, you will be asked to type in three artists you already enjoy listening to. By doing so, you will give them clues as to what music you already listen to.
Once this step is completed, get ready to type in some artist's names into youtube. When I did this, all of my music suggestions were ones I'd never heard of, so I had to manually search for them to get a sampling.
Gnoosic will give you about ten artists to listen to and determine whether you like them or not. When you are finished, there will be a list with the bands you put originally, along with ones you like and dislike. This way, you can see which ones you like at once instead of writing them down as you go.
Another website connected to Gnoosic is music-map. When going through Gnoosic and choosing "I like this" or "I don't like this", there will be an "on the map" option. This will allow you to see a larger group of bands similar to the band selected.
The artists elected will appear in the center of the page, with bands similar to it closest to the name. As they grow outward, the bands get less and less similar to the original band selected. You are also able to search for artists at the top of the page, giving you the ability to search for artists you already enjoy.
Both of these websites allow you to discover a variety of music at once. They are suggested for any music lovers out there.